Sport - Professional

The Hunted

Wilfried Hinz

Honorable Mention

"The Hunted"
Bern Grizzlies - Winterthur Warriors, Mai 2016 (25:21)

Biography: I was born in 1959 in Berne, Switzerland. I currently live in Belp, near the Swiss capital Berne. From 1996 to 1998, I learned the basic skills and techniques of photography at the School of Arts in Berne and continued my studies to become a professional photographer with the GAF 99 (Group autodidact photographers). My books are: ANSICHTSSACHEN, HELFEN BEWEGT, WIE WEITER?, NIMM DIR DIE FREIHEIT, THE OTHER HUNDRED, IM LAND DER ELFEN UND TROLLE and DAS LAND AM KAP.

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