Fine Art - Professional

Sand Hermes Elements of Life

Natascha Auenhammer


"Sand Hermes Elements of Life"

Biography: Since 2012 member of the Wiener KÜNSTLERHAUS Vienna Since 2013 ESHPh European Society for the History of Photography Exhibitions, publications:Amsterdam, Croatian House of Photograph Zagreb, Wien, MUWA, Galerie Spectrum Linz, Gauermann Museum, Musee de l'Elysee, Hungary, Liechtenstein, CH Photobastei Zürich, Galleria Vista ROM, Museo a Cielo Aperto, Milano, Ar(t)cevia, Reggio Emilia, NL, LOS ANGELES The Bosom book 1993 art purchases : Sammlung Spallart, ERA, Purchase by the UpperAustrian federal state government Art in PUBLIC SPACE Vienna Art Column 2nd disrict , Miniature Railway...

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