Mike Cable
This is an old raincoat I found hanging on the door of an abandoned and burned out house, as if it was still waiting for it's owner to come back. I recently went back to shoot more photos of the house and it was gone. The home had been bulldozed over to make room for a new one. This is a major reason why I like to photograph these old relics as they are constantly disappearing. They are also a part of the areas history which will never appear again..
Biography: Mike Cables photography offers a new way of looking at the marvelous details we encounter in daily life. Restlessly seeking the unusual in the usual, Cable’s carefully composed shots feature common objects reframed and revisited. Plunging into each object with a freshly born vigor, Cable is concerned with the photograph as a residue of a unique experiential encounter. Abstract marks and scrawls, patterns, systems and maps emerge from familiar artificial and organic matter. Rust, plant life, paint and architectonic abstractions in dynamic hues reveal their own unique symbology and magnify...