Meniconzi Alessandra
CHINA - YUNNAN PROVINCE The warm air of the valley bottom going up the mountain slopes, hits the evaporation of the water of the ricefields thus forming clouds and thick fog. Clouds and fog transformed in rainfalls flow into rivers and treams which through a web of artificial drainage channels is carried by the Hani towards the villages, providing the necessary source for their daily lives. Any excess water ends up in the ricefields below which through an ingenious regulating system drains away from the highest terrace bringing it to the one in the lowest point. A Hani proverb says: “the highest the mountain, the highest the water”. The canals also allow it to dispose of the excess water during the heavy rains and to maintain the humidity should a drought arise. The natural land fertility is increased by the wise use of water: The Hanis are masters of the water more than the masters of the land. It is calculated that in order to cultivate a chilo of rice around 3000 to 10000 litres of water are needed. Men and women, together without the aid of any modern machinery, but only with the strength of their arms, create new farming space.