Neil Sharpe
""Trust" Is Written In Black And White"
Stress and pressure trigger emotions that can emotionally overwhelm the individual, including feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, repressed anger, and intense feelings of loneliness, isolation, depression and despair. When we search for clarity, for a reason to believe in ourselves, on close examination, nothing seems in focus, nothing seems to be really there. Accordingly, this image is deliberately blurred, distorted, cast out of focus, and blown out, in order to mimic the effects of stress, pressure, and the emotional responses. Technique: a video is made with a low resolution, e.g. 240p, uploaded to YouTube, and reviewed frame-by-frame to increase distortion and noise. A photograph is taken of the selected frame on a computer monitor, and the resulting image is further processed in Photoshop to overload the final photograph in terms of both resolution and noise.