Anand Sharan
"Naga Sadhu at Maha Khumb Mela"
Indian Holy men at the Khumb Mela. It is the worlds largest religious gathering, which was attended by 80 million people on 14th Feb 2013 in Allahabad .INDIA.
Biography: I am a professional photographer and a teacher based in Bangalore, India.
A burning desire to be involved in photography full time led him to abandon his successful advertising career and plunge into professional photography.
International Awards & Recognition
International Photography Awards.
- Magnum Photography Awards, IPA -Hon.mention at 2020 IPA & White Spider Awards awards in 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2020. ( http://www.thespiderawards.com ).
- International Color Awards in 2016, 2019 and two in 2023. ( www.colorawards.com )
- ND Awards 2019....