Francine Filsinger
"Lily (1)"
"Lily" is a simple celebration of the beauty found in the quiet elegance of a flower from my garden. "What magic unfolds as petals and stamens dance together in graceful unison. Light, form, all join to say...I am beautiful. Come, Take notice!" F.L. Filsinger
Biography: Francine Filsinger is an American born Fine Art Photographer living in California. She is often found combing raw desertscapes, the wide reaches of the Pacific Ocean, or sitting for hours with an intriguing face, facade or flower.
Francine relates intimately with her subjects reflecting in the evocative, soulfulness of her art. She masterfully plays with the real elements of time and space giving one a feeling of dwelling in her time.
Her imagery has a unique sense of a tugging memory of one’s own journeys. They are both mysterious and familiar at the same time beckoning one to...