Portrait - Amateur

Five Fingers BW

Ahmed Mohamed Hassan

Honorable Mention

"Five Fingers BW"
Image took with nikon D750 with nikkor 24-70mm lens , F4 , exposure 1/60 , ISO 100 , Egypt

Biography: Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Hassan (( EFIAP/s - PPSA - EIUP - AICS - GPU CR 2 - ASWAN - BEPSS - GPU VIP 2 - LUSPA - EFMPA - GPU Aphrodite - EFIP Gold - PIPC Horus )) . I have dreamed to be among famous international photographers around the world who can help and provide useful knowledge to others and preserve the beauty of the world culture for different photographic generation through my Photos. Being a Member in Several Photographic Federations / Unions has given me further courage to step forward in the field . I Started to work and getting enthusiastic in the field of photography...

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