Valerio Bellone
"Autoscopia 4"
In this work I represented the double, what is inside and outside each of us. We become persons thanks to the references that come to us from outside. This plasmatic influence it seems to be in our possession when we are children and begin to play in front of the mirror. Starting from these memories and the desire of explore suffer minds, it was born my work: a not linear travel from the single to the multiple, from inside to outside in a spiral movement, where the vision feeds the being, making a weave with the soul.
Biography: Born in Italy, Valerio Bellone grew up between Palermo and Milan.
In 2002 he wins a scholarship that allowed him to enter at the European Institute of Design, where he graduated in Digital Design in 2005.
His reportages ranging from human affairs to traditions and contemporary cultures, devoting also space to landscape photography and visual experiments.
His works appeared in international newspapers and have been also used for catalogs of art and entertainment.
He has been recognized with many international awards and his works has been exposed in solo and collective exhibitions.