Martino Cusano
Honorable Mention
"Dal Basso from the Bottom"
Hasselblad- focal length 30mm, Ilford Pan-F 50
Biography: Martino Cusano deals with communications since 1985 when he finishes his studies at the E.D.I. European Design Institute in Rome. His passion for B/W is a distinctive mark of his life and his work. For this reason in 1995 he creates in Latina, the city where he lives, a space to meet other photographers in order to organize events, exhibitions and to exchange experience.
The 3 images sent (made with an Hasselblad- focal length 30mm, Ilford Pan-F 50) “dal basso – from the bottom”, “nel centro – from the middle”, “da sopra -above”, are just a part of a more important project to show the...