People - Professional

Old Clay

Arete Edmunds


"Old Clay"
When photographing the North American Model T Tour I met this gentleman by the name of Clay. Clay has a disability when it came to his mobility however when he is behind a Model T racing, you can feel how free he feels. This image is after one of those races. I captured this image as I saw the satisfaction of his achievement glowing in face.

Biography: I am a nature lover and love traveling and exploring new places. My passion in Photography is Fine Art and Commercial Architectural Photography. Receiving my Masters in Commercial-MPC with the Master Photographers International Organization (MPI) was very exciting and now very close in achieving my Masters in Fine Art and in Nature Photography with the MPI Organization as well I have also received my Master’s in Photography with the Professional Photographers of America and very excited about this as well. During my photography career, I have won many International Awards...

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